Caesarean Scar Therapy

C-SECTION Scar therapy by Sam, a registered midwife, allows you to share your birth story while you enjoy some relaxing moments for yourself.

The purpose of scar therapy is to activate and enhance the natural healing processes - my goal is to stimulate a cellular response that leads to a positive change in your scar in terms of how it feels and heals.

You will receive your treatment in a serene and peaceful environment with follow up instruction notes emailed to you afterwards.

Scar therapy is available in a series of 1, 3 or 6 treatments or, if you do not yet feel ready for that, come and try the ‘introduction to scar therapy’ workshop.

Details below.

That’s not all…..

Using the RESTORE scar therapy method mobilises the scar and allows movement in the tissues and muscles beneath, minimising any adhesions. This in turn, increases movement in the scar and surrounding area and improves stretch in the skin improving any ‘over hang’ or ‘pouch’ which can sometimes be a cosmetic concern following a caesarean.

The caesarean scar therapy method used by Bloom and Balance Therapies has been developed to:

  • Promote healthy scar tissue formation to enhance functional and cosmetic results

  • Reduce symptoms commonly observed in scars - itching, local pain, reduced mobility, numbness

  • Promotes emotional wellbeing and acceptance of your caesarean scar which is a visual reminder of the birth of your baby.

caesarean scar healing well c-section scar

Scar Therapy

Why have scar therapy?

If your baby was born by caesarean section - either an elective or emergency, scar therapy is frequently used to mobilse the scar and treat the underlying tissue. Caesarean scars may often be painful, sensitive to touch or have some numbness remaining. Scar massage can be utilised to stimulate improved tissue health which, in turn treats these concerns.

I am certified, trained and endorsed by Restore Scar Therapy - The RESTORE method is a holistic approach, not simply treating the scar but also considering and treating wider disruption within the body following a caesarean section.

Please use the ‘Get in Touch’ button at the top of this page or call me on 07725 303032 if you would like to find out more or book an appointment.

A series of 4-6 treatments is suggested but I will give you homework to do so if you’d prefer to book on an ad-hoc basis that too can be facilitated. You will get homework either way!

  • Whilst it is considered most effective to have a series of treatments, I appreciate this may not always possible. Appointments are usually around 60 minutes with 20-40 minutes of scar therapy per sesison. The remaining time is for consultation, aftercare guidance and follow up.

    Single Treatment £49.00

  • In the first 12 months post c-section, it can be more beneficial to have frequent sessions of shorter duration whilst there is a higher level of activity in the immature scar.

    3 x Treatments £141

  • Ideally having 6 x treatments is the ideal.

    In some instances of scar tissue release, the range of movement will have been improved and so the muscles have to work harder and will be required to strengthen as the body adapts to the changes in tissue mobility. To get rid of an ‘overhang’ or c-section pouch, exercise and toning should be part of your rehabilitation program.

    6 x Treatments £270

If you feel you are not yet ready for a one-to-one scar therapy programme, consider attending the 'Introduction to C-Section Scar Therapy' workshop to learn more.

This is a 90 minute workshop showing tips and techniques to allow you to feel more confident touching, massaging and making friends with your scar.

Scar massage is so beneficial and can help with scar tightness, overhang, sensation and numbness. A full information sheet will be emailed out to you following the workshop so don’t worry if you can’t remember all the techniques discussed!

Limited to just 10 spaces, there will be time to chat and ask questions throughout the session. Yoga mats are provided. Held at Amethyst Cave, Southbourne, BH5 2HH

Wednesday September 4th 2024 @ 14:00