Baby Massage & Reflexology

Bloom & Balance Baby

Bloom & Balance Baby has been created to help you and your baby. Baby reflexology and massage is a wonderful skill to have and can calm an upset baby and restore peace and balance. You will learn how to settle your little one through touch and massage, reducing their stress (and possibly yours) and improving their general health and wellbeing. Touch is one of the first senses to develop and through massage your baby produces hormones that help them relax and regulate their body. It is a wonderful bonding tool and gives you time with your baby without outside distractions.

We all know that when you have a baby your world changes and your birth story stays with you for ever. I want Bloom & Balance Baby to be a space where you can learn new techniques to soothe your baby but also be a community space where you feel supported, seen and heard and always free of judgement.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or need to talk things through.

I am certified and trained by Tiny Toes Reflexage UK to perform and teach Baby Reflexology & Baby Massage.

Baby Massage & New Mum Class
to Nov 27

Baby Massage & New Mum Class

The perfect way to soothe your baby and your soul! A 5 week baby reflexology and massage course, this is suitable for babies from 6 weeks to active crawling. The course is on Friday mornings starting on Wednesday October 30th, finishing on Wednesday November 27th. The class is for an hour and is super informal!

Each week we will go through massage and reflexology techniques that will help your baby with teething, colic, digestion and sleep issues. A beautiful way to bond and connect with your baby. These classes are all about you and your baby. If baby needs feeding, changing or falls asleep - it doesn’t matter….. we are baby led! At the end of each class I email you the techniques so you can use these at home.

In addition, this is a safe space for you in the postnatal period to come and share your birth story, reflect and heal in the company of others. I understand that you leave maternity services with little support and I would love you to use these sessions as much for you as for your baby. There is a maximum of 6 people per class.

Price: £65 for a block of 5

If you would prefer to pay as you go, please contact me on 07725 303032 - £15 per session

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Private Classes…..

Can’t come to a group class? Why not organise a private group with either some friends or just for you and your partner.

These private classes are held either at my home in Hengistbury Head or I can come to you with everything needed for a lovely 2-hour teaching session. Its completely baby led and we stop for breaks so the babies - and you, can get the most out of your time!

Simply complete the enquiry form or call me on 07725 303032 to discuss further!

baby massage